Learning Pie are leading the way in experiential learning


Everyone needs the right learning solution. Even if it is one they might not expect. And because it’s not a case of one answer fits all, each new customer brings us a fascinating new set of challenges. There is an art to solving them, one we have been thriving on for over 20 years.

Learning Pie combines technical talent with answering specific learning needs. We use technology to help our clients deliver outstanding learning and experiences. We create innovative learning that stimulates curiosity and captures the imagination by the use of gamification, proximity beacons, AI and analytics.  We draw from the very best practices from a wide variety of sources such as user experience design, instructional design and social learning to create a deeper learning experience.

At our core is years of experience that enables us to lead in a collaborative approach to create the best outcome for our customers.


We think big and brave and we’ll encourage you to do the same